Weorod - Early Medieval Reenactment and Living History
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Early Medieval Historical Re-enactment and Living History

weorod, werod, worud; n. I. a host, troop, band, multitude, crowd. II. a people. III. where numbers are associated for a special purpose or arranged in regular order, (1) in military matters, a host, army, troop, band, (2) where a large number is arranged in regular companies, (3) a body of servants, retainers, followers, associates (4) a company, assembly, (5) a crew of a ship, ship’s company.

weorod, werod; adj. Sweet

Weorod are a small, independent group of Historical Re-enactors who specialise in providing Living History and Re-enactment displays for both local and national events.

Based in Portsmouth, Southern Hampshire we recreate one of the most decisive eras in the history of Britain, the Early Medieval or Dark Age period. Portraying the lives of the early Jutish settlers of the Migration Period, through the 5th to 7th Centuries, we strive to provide an accurate representation of what early medieval life may have looked like.

"Shedding Light on the Dark Ages!"